An HD Beauty stands tall and confident in who she is. Even if she’s been hit hard or knocked down, she will get back up, dust herself off, fix her crown, and keep it moving.

She doesn’t fall for the comparison trap. She genuinely celebrates and admires her sisters and their accomplishments.

She doesn’t define herself by society’s narrow vision of beauty. She loves herself and her own uniqueness.

She doesn’t try to be perfect.

She knows this isn’t possible or realistic.

She is a victor, not a victim. She turns her pain into her power and inspires others to do the same.

She isn’t hiding behind the makeup or social media filters. She knows the issue or insecurity won’t go away without getting to the source and treating it properly with her dedicated esthetician.

She understands the importance of tribe.

She reaches out for support when she needs it. She doesn’t lone-wolf it!!

She makes time to take care of herself because she knows if she’s to be there for others, she needs to be there for herself.

She holds herself high, lives in integrity, speaks her truth, and knows she’s a woman worthy of having it all.

She does not tolerate unhealthy, toxic, negative behavior in her life. The more she loves herself, the less crap she tolerates from others.

She has a style and look all her own and not just what’s trending at the time. She doesn’t live in a boring box. She expresses herself freely and unapologetically.

She lives by,

“If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”

She takes responsibility and stays committed.

She knows being beautiful is a state of mind and that TRUE BEAUTY COMES FROM WITHIN.