SkincareSkincare Tips

6 Autumn Skincare Secrets to Keep Your Skin Glowing

By October 21, 2019August 5th, 2020No Comments

It’s starting to feel rather witchy around here! Do you love autumn? There’s something special about this season, with the changing leaves, pumpkin-spiced everything, and spooky activities. Just as we change our fashion with the season, we usually also change our skin routine. It’s a conscious choice to start wearing more sweaters and boots, but we might not even realize the difference in our other habits that lead to a new autumn skincare routine. 

For example, when it’s scorching outside it’s easy to remember to drink water. But when the weather is milder, we are less likely to think about filling up on H2O. If the weather is cold, we might be tempted by warm, sugary coffee or tea beverages instead. We also might start taking hotter showers in response to the cold weather or drawing a warm bath. We also tend to spend less time outdoors in the fall and winter. All of these things, innocuous as they may seem, can have a major effect on your complexion. Make sure your skin avoids any scary changes with these autumn skincare tips!

1. Add vitamin C into your routine

Summer is the time for laying out by the pool, playing beach volleyball, visiting theme parks, and soaking up the sun. Unfortunately, all that fun outside can lead to sunburns, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. By adding vitamin C to your skin routine, like with the potent HD Illuminate Mega-C Creme, you can ease the effects of weeks of UV-ray damage. 

HD Illuminate can help reverse the signs of aging like discolored spots and uneven skin tone, and it can even prevent the appearance of new issues. Free radicals are the leading cause of aging, and spending extended periods in the sunshine only makes your skin more susceptible to their damaging effects. The powerful punch of vitamin C in HD Illuminate protects your skin. 

2. Hydrate with Aloe

After spending a summer in the sun, your skin might be dried out. If you have sensitive skin, the changing weather can only exacerbate the problem, which might leave your face feeling overly sensitive, flaky, itchy, or have a burning sensation. Be gentle with your skin during the transition period between seasons and be sure to add deeply hydrating products to your autumn skincare routine. 

By nourishing your skin with hydrating products like HD Recovery Gel,  you can help your skin bounce back after being sunburnt or overly dried out. There’s no need to go around with red, irritated skin when there’s a hydrating gel that can help. 

Don’t forget water in your hydration plan

Of course, be sure to continue drinking plenty of water throughout autumn to hydrate your skin from the inside. Even if it’s not blazing hot out, your body still needs water to function. So drink up! Water, that is. Drinks like pumpkin spice lattes are delicious, but can further dehydrate you. If you do indulge, be sure it doesn’t take the place of your normal water intake. 

When it comes to water, also be aware of your showers and baths. As tempting as it is to take boiling hot showers when it’s cold out, this hot water can be damaging to your skin, robbing it of much-needed moisture and further drying it out. Keep the water warm but not hot, and try to limit the time you are in the shower. This is not only good for your skin, it’s also good for the environment. It’s a win-win! 

3. Be sure to moisturize! 

It’s always important to moisturize, but in the time period of changing seasons it is especially important. Your skin may be experiencing dryness and flakiness. Deeply moisturizing your skin before going to sleep at night will help your skin retain moisture for a dewy, soft complexion. 

The HD Beauty Skin Brightening System is an effective skincare regimen that works to restore your skin’s brightness and radiance while reducing the appearance of dark spots and fine lines. This brightening system protects your skin from free radical damage and pollution that causes excess pigment, while also blocking the formation of melanin. This powerful system moisturizes your skin while delivering vitamin C to fight against sun damage. 

The HD Beauty Skin Brightening System includes HD Clean, a cleanser that gently exfoliates and cleans your face, removing dead skin buildup and dirt while moisturizing. The system also includes HD Restore Glowing Skin Serum, a replenishing serum that leads to smoother, plumper skin and a healthy glow. Lastly, the system includes HD Illuminate Mega-C Creme, the skin brightening creme I mentioned above that delivers a potent punch of vitamin C. HD Iluminate reduces dark spots, evens out skin tone, smooths wrinkles and fine lines, and protects the skin from free radical damage caused by UV rays. These three products help your skin look its best! 

4. Cut back on exfoliating

Climates around the country are different, but what is true is that autumn generally brings crisper and colder weather. Skin can become drier, and heavy exfoliation can lead to irritation and redness. I suggest reducing the frequency of exfoliation and the strength of the products you use. Strong retinoids and glycolics are excellent at exfoliating, but can be overly harsh on sensitive skin. For your autumn skincare, I suggest exfoliating once a week. If you find you need more, you can always increase frequency slowly. 

5. Keep using sunscreen! 

When the sun is blazing and you are spending all day at the beach, it’s easy to remember to wear sunscreen. It is critical to protect your skin on these hot summer days, but it’s also crucial to remember that your skin needs protection every day. Don’t stop wearing sunscreen just because the weather is changing! Be sure to wear sunscreen every day. Even low levels of UV exposure add up and can lead to lasting skin damage

6. Get a humidifier

As the air becomes drier, it can have a dramatic effect on your skin. A humidifier can help your complexion retain moisture while you sleep. Since humidifiers add moisture to the air, and the air surrounds your skin, your skin will have more moisture. Boost the humidity levels in your home with a humidifier. You can keep a humidifier in your bedroom, which will boost the moisture not only on your face, but on skin all over your body. 

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I love the snuggly sweaters, pumpkin everything, and the beautiful colors of leaves changing. But there are some tricks for skin hiding among the pumpkin patches and corn mazes. The changing weather, drier conditions, and leftover sun damage from summer can all affect the look and feel of your skin, as well as lasting sun damage from exposure during the summer months. To reverse damage and protect your skin from chillier weather, use these six autumn skincare tips to ensure your skin glows!