SkincareSkincare Tips

The Skincare You Absolutely Need for Labor Day Weekend

By September 2, 2019August 5th, 2020No Comments

Has this summer been a little rough on your skin? Don’t worry–it happens to the best of us! Today, I’m sharing some of my best tips to help you have an amazing complexion by the time this Labor Day weekend rolls around. 

Plus, with summer coming to an end before you know it, you’ll want to make sure you have these tips incorporated into your skincare routine before winter comes along. That way you’ll be prepared for whatever the weather sends your way, from tons of sunshine on Labor Day weekend to drying winds by New Years!

Here’s your complete skincare guide. 

Micellar Water 

Did you know it’s unnecessary to wash your face in the morning? It’s true. This is assuming your nighttime skincare routine is on point (meaning don’t go to bed without washing your face!) but, generally, most of us don’t need to wash our face in the morning. 

However, many of us enjoy washing our face or at least throwing some water on it in the morning. But this can strip your face of healthy, natural oils and dry it out before you face the day. 

Don’t worry…you can still enjoy a refreshing facial routine in the morning! Instead of applying a drying cleanser, use gentle micellar water. Micellar water is comprised of very small tiny cleansing oil molecules called micelles suspended in soft water. The tiny oil molecules are called micelles, and they’re attracted to dirt and oil. Using micellar water in the morning will draw out any leftover dirt and oil from your pores without drying out your complexion. 

Incorporating micellar water into your morning routine is easy. Simply massage the water onto your face in the morning, and then move on to the next step of your routine! There is no need to rinse. Make sure to gently massage the water onto your skin so you don’t irritate your complexion at the very beginning of your routine. 


You’ve heard it a million times before, but it bears repeating. Sunscreen is your complexion’s best friend. It protects and prevents sun damage. You’ll be glad you wore it 20 years from now. For optimal sun protection, select a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 maximum. To fully protect your skin you need defense from UVA, UVB, and infrared rays. Two amazing sunscreens that offer this level of protection are MBR’s High Protection Face Cream SPF 30 and Chuda’s Sheer Hydrating Lotion SPF 30. 

For many sun-conscious AND beauty-conscious ladies, the problem is, sunscreen takes a backseat to makeup and fun outfits, especially on hot holidays such as Labor Day weekend. 

For consistent sun protection, you’ll want to reapply your sunscreen every two hours. But that can be difficult to accomplish if you’re wearing makeup over your first sunscreen application. Don’t worry. You can still accomplish sun protection while looking great this Labor Day weekend! 

Simply invest in some Colorescient powder SPF for a clean application over your makeup. Another great option is tinted sunscreen. I love HD Defend SPF 36 which is lightly tinted. You can use it as a stand-alone product, or, even better, use it as a primer under your makeup! Plus it contains antioxidants and peptides to help reverse skin damage while protecting against UVA and UVB rays. For a lower SPF but with the same protection and primer abilities, grab HD Defend SPF Chemical-Free SPF 30.  

Unfortunately, sunburn happens to even the most diligent sunscreen wearer. In case of sunburn, take a cold shower or bath, and roll ice cubes over the burn. Don’t forget to continue moisturizing and hydrate from within by drinking lots of water. 

Lightweight Serum 

During the summer, especially by humid and hot September, many of us prefer to avoid heavy, thick creams. That’s where serums come in. A serum is in liquid form as opposed to thick, heavy creams, and can even moisturize at a deeper level than a cream. A lightweight serum doesn’t make your skin feel weighed down and can also be used underneath a light moisturizer or, on its own. 

If you’re prone to dry skin, you may find a combo of serum then moisturizer provides all-day moisture. Plus, you can put a serum on under creams that include SPF protection! 

We highly recommend the HD Restore Glowing Skin Serum! This serum contains antioxidants that restore the skin’s bioidentical glycolipids. The antioxidant Lipochroman helps correct and protect skin from environmental aging. The best part? You get an instant glow and smoother, plumper skin! 

Eye Cream 

While it may be tempting to consider the thin, sensitive skin around your eyes as an afterthought, the truth is, this delicate skin actually requires extra protection from the sun. 

Whether or not you’re a fan of big sunglasses on holidays such as Labor Day weekend, you’ll want to start treating this delicate area as a priority. Since the skin is so delicate and thin around the eyes, it will actually start showing sun damage such as crow’s feet and wrinkles a lot faster than other areas of your face. 

To keep those fine lines and dry skin around your eyes at bay, dab eye cream under your eyes and blend it out using your ring finger. That way, you won’t damage this extra-sensitive part of your face while trying to moisturize it. 

To create a refreshing skincare experience and soothe any swollen areas around your eye, keep your eye cream in the fridge, and dab it on when you’re ready! 


Did you know that the humidity so common in summer actually makes your skin less sensitive and better equipped to handle exfoliation? 

Winter dries out your skin and can even cause it to flake. This makes it more sensitive to peels and exfoliation. So take advantage of the summer heat, and start incorporating exfoliation into your skincare routine in order to have healthy, glowing skin by this Labor Day weekend. 

Exfoliating gives you healthy, dewy, smooth skin, and it reduces the size of your pores. However, the key to successful exfoliation is to only do it at night. That’s because the layer of dead skin you scrub off while exfoliating actually acts as a barrier to sun damage during the day. So, exfoliate at night in order to give your skin a chance to recover from sensitivity before exposing it to the sun. 

It’s also best to use AHAs, BHAs, retinol, and retinoids at night as these make your skin more sensitive and susceptible to sunburn. 

Designing your skincare routine to optimize for nighttime and daytime will go a long way in keeping your skin glowing and healthy. 

Nighttime Moisturizer

Like the majority of your body, nighttime is when the skin does most of its reparative work. That’s why so many creams are thick and heavy–they’re meant to be long-lasting so they can do reparative work all night and absorb by the time you get home. 

The other benefit of using night creams is that you apply them to your clean face, without sunscreen interfering with their absorption or how they work. 

If you want a glowing, healthy complexion, reparative night creams are an absolute must!

Following all of the tips mentioned here will ensure you have an amazing complexion, even while dealing with the heat and the sun through this Labor Day weekend. Have questions? Post them in the comments!